Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Winger's Sticky Fingers

Winger's Sticky Fingers

For the sauce (this covers about 8-10 sticky fingers):
3 Tbsp. Franks Hot Sauce (It has to be Franks Hot Sauce!!)
3/4 c. brown sugar
2 Tbsp. water

Heat up hot sauce, brown sugar and water in a saucepan until all the sugar dissolves

For the Sticky Fingers:
1 c. oil
1 pkg. frozen breaded chicken fingers

In a frying pan, heat oil and cook chicken fingers until crispy and warm. Pour sauce over. Serve with ranch.

Seriously, this tastes exactly like the real thing! So yummy, so easy, and so much cheaper than going out to dinner to get these!! The only thing I did different was I didn't cook the whole package of chicken, so I used about a half cup oil instead.


Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

Mmmmmm I love these so I am printing this to try it out. Thanks for the recipe.

Josh, Amanda, and Talon said...

Okay I am planning on trying this recipe very soon. I will let you know how it goes for me. Thanks for the ideas!!

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

Just thought I would let you know that we tried this recipe and loved it. A good but easy one!

Grant, Angela, and Tori said...

After several months, I finally got around to trying this recipe. It was wonderful. My wife made breaded chicken strips from a recipe we use for orange chicken, and then we simply poured the sticky sauce onto the fried chicken. Delicious!

Sarah Marie said...

I am sooo glad you have a recipe for sticky fingers. I love them, can't wait to try them out! Thank you!